Like the American democracy, our department is getting a serious staff turnover early this month. Although one with less self-tanning.
Meet new faces below and in other staff news:
- Don't say farewell, say goodbye. After a successful doctoral track, Anke Adriaansen, Julie Daelman, Simon Helleputte, Amy De Roubaix and Yana Criel are looking for other at least equally successful places. Thank you and all the best!
- Also with a bright PhD in her pocket, but still sticking around: Imke Kissel. She will be replacing Clara Leyns (maternity leave) in the coming weeks.
- Same same but different. Staying in our REVA group, but in a different appointment: Clara Leyns (from WP postdoc to doctoral assistant), Kim Bettens (from doctoral assistant to WP postdoc), Ruth Van Hecke (from assistant to doctoral assistant after - you guessed it, how could it be otherwise - a successful PhD), Gizem Aslan (continuing her research project via an acquired FWO aspirantship), Sarah VanDen Berghe (from WP to FWO aspirantship) and Mathilde Joos (from WP to assistant).
- Bieke Samijn will be replaced during her maternity leave by two new faces: Loïc D'Haene (research) and Jana Sey (teaching). Introductions below!
- Freija Govaert is replaced during her maternity leave by familiar faces: Linde Parasie, Daisy Truyen, Anke Van Bladel and Baptist Blancke.
Manon De Raeve - Assistant (100%)
I am Manon De Raeve and joined the BrainComm team on 1 November as an assistant under prof. Miet De Letter. In July 2023 I obtained my master's degree in logopaedic sciences and last year I had the opportunity to participate in several interesting projects within the research group. I am therefore very much looking forward to continuing this adventure! I will combine research and teaching with the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Course in NeuroRehabilitation, the first year of which I have already completed.
Besides my passion for neurogenic communication disorders, I love travelling the world and discovering new cultures. In the evenings and at weekends, I can often be found in the gym, training young gymnasts and helping to organise all kinds of events. I also work out regularly and enjoy a nice evening at a restaurant with friends. See you soon!
Loïc D'Haene - AAS ad interim (50%)
Hello everyone! I am Loïc D'Haene. You may have seen me around the hallways of the department in recent years as a student. In June, I graduated as a paediatric physiotherapist. Fortunately, I now have the opportunity to continue my adventure at Ghent University, as I get to replace Bieke Samijn during her maternity leave from the beginning of November until the end of February. This offers a unique opportunity to further develop my passion for research and teaching! During this period, I will focus on projects within pediatric urological rehabilitation, supervise some master's thesis students and teach some statistics classes. Of course, I also hope to get to know many new colleagues!
In my spare time, I enjoy an hour of tennis a week, appreciate a chat with a coffee in hand and love travelling to get to know other cultures. I look forward to working with you. See you soon!
Marieke Fontaine - PhD scholarship (100%)
I am Marieke Fontaine, physiotherapist by education, and since October I started a PhD at the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences and the Department of Head and Skin, under the supervision of prof. Leen Maes and prof. Ingeborg Dhooge. You may have already come across me in the hallways of Ghent University Hospital, because last year I worked here as a scientific assistant. In my research, I focus on the interesting field of vestibular rehabilitation in children with vestibular dysfunction.
In my spare time, I find my outlet in being active by swimming or walking. I like to be outside in nature, preferably on a walk with my dog. I also enjoy music and can often be found at concerts and festivals. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
Jana Sey - AAS ad interim (15%)
I am Jana, 29 years old, very passionate about female healthcare and always in the mood for sociability. Education is very important to me. As a therapist, I like to take the time to offer informed information on physical, hormonal and psychological complaints in women.
In my spare time, I can be found in the mountains in summer and winter and enjoy cosy dinners with friends and family. On Sundays, I like to go for a walk and afterwards you will find me back at the fireplace with a delicious cup of coffee. The ideal way to clear my head. I look forward to meeting you.
Heleen Van Laeken - FWO aspirant (100%)
My name is Heleen Van Laeken and I am 23 years old. In July I graduated as a master in logopaedic sciences. On 1 November, I started as a researcher at BrainComm under an FWO mandate led by prof. Miet De Letter. The focus of my research is on Parkinson's disease and the search for biomarkers. Besides science, volunteering is close to my heart.
In my spare time, you can often find me with a book in my hands. Cooking, baking and enjoying good food are my passions, because love for family and friends certainly goes through the stomach. I also love to travel and hike, in search of new adventures. With great enthusiasm, I am looking forward to this new challenge!